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Porridge - The Movie [DVD] [1979]
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Porridge - The Movie [DVD] [1979]

£2.0 £3.99 Clearance
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Product Information

Big screen spin-off of the BBC's popular Seventies sitcom. Habitual criminal Norman Stanley Fletcher (Ronnie Barker) is currently 'doing porridge' at Slade prison, but only has a year to go. He and cellmate Lennie Godber (Richard Beckinsale, who sadly died shortly after filming was completed) are content to bide their time - until they accidentally become involved in an escape plan while playing a morale-raising football match against a 'celebrity' team. Desperate not to ruin their chances of parole, Fletcher and Godber find themselves in the unusual position of trying to break back into prison without being caught!

Porridge - The Movie [DVD] [1979]

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