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Beer/Cider Clearance e.g Camden Hells Lager 330ml 39p - Petrol Dagenham
Posted 20 hours ago

Beer/Cider Clearance e.g Camden Hells Lager 330ml 39p - Petrol Dagenham

£0.2 £0.39 Clearance
Today Deals
Shared by ZTS2023
Joined in 2023
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Okay, so, a caveat - This is the first time I'm posting a local deal and I might screw it up somehow

Now, apart from the potential screwup, my local Co-op, the petrol station one on Becontree Avenue, has some major reductions on certain beers and ciders.

Camden Hells Lager 330ml - £0.39
Brewdog Elvis Juice 440ml - £1.00
Sharps Doom Bar 500ml - £0.55
Thatchers Katy Cider 500ml - £0.43

Now, I'm not an expert on how the Co-op do reductions, but they're not orange labelled and they aren't part of any promotion, so I'm guessing - don't hold me to this - it's a region-wide thing to get rid of old stock where certain stores are holding too much, which would mean the same reduction may be available in other stores.

Sorry, don't know when it ends. Guessing it's just when they've gotten rid of the old stock?


Beer/Cider Clearance e.g Camden Hells Lager 330ml 39p - Petrol Dagenham

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