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Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister Complete 7 Discs (USED) with free C&C
Posted 20 hours ago

Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister Complete 7 Discs (USED) with free C&C

£2.0 £4 Clearance
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Product Description
Complete collection of episodes from the satirical British comedy 'Yes Minister' and its spin-off series 'Yes, Prime Minister'. The 'Yes Minister' episodes are: 'Open Government', 'The Official Visit', 'The Economy Drive', 'Big Brother', 'The Writing On the Wall', 'The Right to Know', 'Jobs for the Boys', 'The Compassionate Society', 'Doing the Honours', 'The Death List', 'The Greasy Pole', 'The Devil You Know', 'The Quality of Life', 'A Question of Loyalty', 'Equal Opportunities', 'The Challenge', 'The Skeleton in the Cupboard', 'The Moral Dimension', 'The Bed of Nails', 'The Whisky Priest' and 'The Middle-Class Rip-Off'. The 'Yes, Prime Minister' episodes are: 'The Grand Design', 'The Ministerial Broadcast', 'The Smoke Screen', 'The Key', 'A Real Partnership', 'A Victory for Democracy', 'The Bishop's Gambit', 'One of Us', 'Man Overboard', 'Official Secrets', 'A Diplomatic Incident', 'A Conflict of Interest', 'Power to the People', 'The Patron of the Arts', 'The National Education Service' and 'The Tangled Web'.

Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister Complete 7 Discs (USED) with free C&C

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