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Paul Brickhill - The Dam Busters (Pan 70th Anniversary Book 20). Kindle Edition.
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Paul Brickhill - The Dam Busters (Pan 70th Anniversary Book 20). Kindle Edition.

£0.49 £0.99 Clearance
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A special edition of The Dam Busters by Paul Brickhill reissued with a bright retro design to celebrate Pan’s 70th anniversary.

On 17 May 1943, nearly 350 million tons of water crashed into the valleys of the Ruhr when the Lancaster bombers of 617 Squadron breached the giant Moehne and Eder Dams with colossal ‘blockbuster’ bombs. The Dam Busters tells the story of the raid and the squadron of fearless airmen who carried it through. Again and again, the crews of 617 Squadron Bomber Command used their flying skills, their tremendous courage and Barnes Wallis’ highly accurate bouncing bombs to deal devastating blows to Nazi Germany.

One of the most daring true stories to emerge from the Second World War, Paul Brickhill’s The Dam Busters inspired the famous 1955 film starring Michael Redgrave and Richard Todd.

Paul Brickhill - The Dam Busters (Pan 70th Anniversary Book 20). Kindle Edition.

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