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4 Boxes x Elastoplast Extra Flexible Fabric Plaster Strips - Water-repellent (40 Plasters per box)
Posted 20 hours ago

4 Boxes x Elastoplast Extra Flexible Fabric Plaster Strips - Water-repellent (40 Plasters per box)

£2.0 £4 Clearance
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Shared by ZTS2023
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About this deal
Product Information

Good price for pack of 4 at £1 each

The information below applies to each unit in the pack
Water-repellent: Water-repellent first aid plasters for superior wound protection of minor, everyday wounds while keeping them clean and dry while they heal
Extra flexible: Our big plasters are made from a highly flexible fabric that dries quickly so that everyday wounds and scratches can heal properly
Stretchy materials: These Elastoplast plasters are made from a material that stretches with the skin's movements making them ideal for activities such as sport
How to apply: Clean the affected area/wound and gently dry the skin then apply Elastoplast fabric plasters without stretching; Use only once
Strong adhesion: With their strong adhesion and non-stick wound pad, Elastoplast first aid plasters help you deal with the small inconveniences in life

4 Boxes x Elastoplast Extra Flexible Fabric Plaster Strips - Water-repellent (40 Plasters per box)

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