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Selection of return direct flights from Birmingham to Girona (Spain), in January via Ryanair
Posted 20 hours ago

Selection of return direct flights from Birmingham to Girona (Spain), in January via Ryanair

£14.5 £29 Clearance
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Shared by ZTS2023
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Product Information

The destination

Girona, a city in Catalonia, Spain, is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. One standout feature is the remarkably intact medieval city walls that encircle the historic center, providing a unique stroll with panoramic views. Notable landmarks include the Girona Cathedral, an impressive Gothic structure, the Arab Baths showcasing Romanesque architecture, and the colorful houses lining the Onyar River, captured in many photos. Additionally, the Jewish Quarter, with its narrow streets and historic buildings, offers a glimpse into the city's rich history. The iconic Sant Feliu Church, with its distinctive blend of architectural styles, adds to Girona's cultural allure. Finally, the Game of Thrones enthusiasts can explore the filming locations, including the famous "Steps of Sant Martí" and the Cathedral's grand staircase, making Girona a captivating destination for history and pop culture enthusiasts alike.

The flights (£29-£31)

January 6 to 13
January 13 to 15
January 15 to 20
January 20 to 22
January 22 to 27
January 27 to 29

Selection of return direct flights from Birmingham to Girona (Spain), in January via Ryanair

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